Shibo Jiang
Fudan University
Shibo Jiang received postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University (1987-1990) and worked as Member and Lab Head at the New York Blood Center (1990-2010), and as a professor (Thousands-talent scholar) at Fudan University (2010-). He has focused on development of antiviral therapeutics and vaccines. He discovered the first highly potent anti-HIV peptide and his patent was licensed to Trimeries Pharmaceutical for developing the first US FDA-approved peptide HIV entry inhibitor - Fuzeon (enfuvirtide or T20). He developed the first anti-HPV therapeutic - JB01 protein. He has published 360 SCI papers in high profile journals (e.g., Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Communication, Nature Review Microbiology, Lancet, Cell, PNAS etc) with total impact factors of 1,686 and >10,000 citations. He has obtained 18 US and 5 Chinese patents, 8 US NIH grants (>20 millions USD) and 8 Chinese grants (>20 millions RMB), and given more than 180 oral presentations in more than 30 countries
Research Interest
Drug Safety, Pharmacovigilance,HPV